Natural Abundance
Native Plant Nursery
Native Plant Nursery
Native plants add biodiversity to your garden and provide food and habitat for bees, butterflies, birds, and people. Native plants are drought and disease resistant and beautiful!
The NALT Nursery is located on land donated to NALT by Anneke and Peter van Kerkoerle. The Native Plant Nursery has a wide variety of native plants and seeds for sale. Located south of Nanaimo on Frost Road, visitors are welcome during our Hours of Operation. We’ll be happy to show you around!
Native Plant Seed Sales
The NALT Nursery has a variety of native seeds available. Email us for current pick up or delivery options.
Hours of Operation
Wednesdays 10:00 am to 3:00 pm
Saturdays 11:00 am to 3:00 pm
Would you like to book your group for an Interpretive Nature Walk on the Parnassian Woods property?
If interested, email us for details. A visit to the nursery is included.
Think Pollinators, think native!
Below are helpful resources for creating a native plant & pollinator paradise!
Contact the Nursery
3145 Frost Road
Nanaimo, BC V9X 1S7
Driving Directions From Nanaimo:
Head toward the Nanaimo airport on the Island Highway. Just after you cross over the Nanaimo River, and before the silver bridge is Spruston Rd. Turn Right onto Spruston Rd. Travel under the underpass and continue on Spruston Rd for approximately 2km. Turn left at Frost Road. At the end of Frost Rd is the Native Plant Nursery.