Salamanders in the City
Photo – Geoff Mumford
Backyard Cover Boards Project
Did you know that all native amphibian species on the Island are dependent on upland habitats, especially forest, for at least part of their life cycle? Urban development results in the loss of forest cover and amphibian populations become isolated in the remaining forest fragments. Currently very little is known about the distribution of amphibians throughout the urban environment.
Help us learn more about salamander abundance and distribution in our area!
You might have a property that is perfect for the project, if it has any of these features:
- Areas that stay moist or have natural debris covering the soil to keep it from drying out (not cedar bark mulch)
- Area beside or a part of surrounding forest, stream or wetland habitat.
- Areas with shrubbery, trees or other plants where chemical pesticides and • fertilizers are not used
Participation in the project is easy!
Here are the steps for monitoring your property for salamanders:
- Pick up your cover board from NALT (suggested donation of $10)
- Clear the ground where your board will be placed so that the board lies flat on the ground.
- Carefully check your board once a month from March to May/June and from September to November. Use data and identification sheets provided by NALT and submit your findings and photos.
For more information or to participate, email our Stewardship Manager